
Fire safety training and fire drill

2018-12-24 1208

In order to improve employees' awareness of fire safety responsibility and master fire safety knowledge and skills, the company specially held 2018 fire safety training and fire drill.

The introduction and use of fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting methods and precautions, fire hazards, emergency self-help common sense and other aspects are explained in detail, which has high practicability and operability and enriches the fire-fighting knowledge of employees.

In order to put the knowledge learned into practice, "strike while the iron is hot" popularized the use of fire extinguishers among employees. After the training, a dry powder fire extinguisher fire fighting drill was held in the open space of the basketball court in the plant area. Professional fire trainers emphasized the use skills and precautions of fire extinguishers. The personnel of all departments took turns to operate, and finally mastered the use methods of fire extinguishers.

During the whole exercise, all the participants actively participated with enthusiasm and achieved the expected results.

Through this drill, the participants' awareness of fire safety was further improved, they had a deeper understanding of the importance and necessity of fire protection, mastered the fire extinguishing methods and self rescue ability, and learned the emergency treatment methods in case of fire accidents and other emergencies, which laid a solid foundation for future work and achieved good results.

This article is from Jiangmen Wantong:http://www.jzxhuodongfang.com/